Urban Sketching

written by Tina Tang @tina.sketchbook



The city with your imagination.

Sketching is a past time we’ve all dabbled in.

At the same time, the cities and towns we inhabit are environments we’ve all become comfortable in.

Urban sketching combines these two joys. It’s a hobby where you can capture the familiar environments your in in a complete new way — your own way.

Pencil and paper

There’s little tools you actually need.

And you don’t even need to be in an urban environment.

Pick up a pen or pencil and paper then head out!

There’s nothing else you technically need. But you are sure to pick up some more tools that fit your style as time goes on.

Getting comfortable

Sketching in a new space can feel strange if you haven’t done it before — especially if it’s outside as Urban Sketching typically is.

Once you have your tools, you can start with spots that have tables. Cafes, picnic benches, park tables.

If you’re sketching people, glance up as needed. Sketching isn’t a photo and most folks, if curious, will be amused at your sketches if they ask.

Urban Sketching Groups

All around the world you can find Urban Sketching groups.

These groups are great places to get started as you sketch alongside others and see their process.

Wherever you may be, or may be traveling to, look into your local Urban Sketching group.

Discover more hobbies.

Follow more of Tina’s Urban Sketching @tina.sketchbook.


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