If you’re interested in a community [space] it’s time to get involved. Here we’ll discuss how to join a community [space] and become a regular.

Simply Spending Time

You presence is important.

While there’s no set amount of time you have to spend there or a level of consistency you have to achieve, you need to get to a point where you are involved and feel involved.

Speak Up. Chat for a While.

If you want to be a part of a [space], you have to talk to and form connections with others in the community. It may be uncomfortable at first — you’re in a relatively new space and know few people in it — but you need to start somewhere. Somewhere can be a smile, a few words, or a question to learn more about someone’s experiences.

The great thing is that being in this [space] means you already have something in common with everyone else there.

Being Engaged

Participating in activities, helping promote or host events, and welcoming others into the [space] are great ways to get involved

It’s a two-way street. To visit a [space] and simply take from it, whether it’s time or energy, and not return anything simply makes you a customer or visitor. And we want you to be more than that.

Open Up and Share

Community spaces thrive on their people coming in and using the space.

And that includes you.

If you have an idea you want to explore, share it with the owner or manager. The worst thing that happns is they say no. But you might be surprised by just how much they welcome new ideas that can foster community.